Get Down to Disness Blog

Start Out Right: 5 Key Travel Career Missteps to Steer Clear Of

What I Would Do Differently Starting Out as a New Agent Specializing in Disney Destinations

1. Set Manageable Social Media Goals

Personal and business social media accounts are very different animals. When using social media to build a thriving business, you’ll need time, dedication, consistency and CONTENT. Chances are you’ve got a bunch of photos from your own personal travel to leverage which is great. But do expect to post AT LEAST once per day on whichever platform you choose to concentrate on. Any less and people start to forget about you and your rating falls in the algorithm. If you find you are short on content, and don’t have the budget to travel to secure more, check out the Plussing It Membership.

2. Choose Your Host or Agency Wisely

As much as you are excited to sign a contract and officially be able to sell travel, agencies and hosts are equally searching for agents to make them money. Interview them as they will interview you. Pour over contracts and look for red flags like low commission splits and lengthy non-compete clauses.

3. Really Know Your Destinations

I get it, you want to dive in and be a YES MAN for anyone that wants you to book and plan their vacations. Trust me when I say, don’t market yourself as an expert on destinations that you are not comfortable with. You don’t have to start out as an agent who sells everything. You are going to be responsible for thousands of dollars of a guest’s money and their family memories. Stick to your wheelhouse at the start of your career. We discuss the benefits of this in length inside the Agent Prep Program.

4. I Know You’re Passionate, But Be Patient

This is a long game. It may seem like you are slow to gain followers on social media or you have a lot of days of low engagement. That may be true, but people are seeing you, and when they are ready, they know that you are knowledgeable and reliable. Once you start working with guests, then the referrals and repeats will eventually come too. But it does take time to build a solid foundation. Once you do, look out. The point is, don’t give up! So many let discouragement crush their momentum. Don’t be that person!

5. Don’t Take Rejection Personally

People who know that you do this job will still book trips on their own. Family tends to be the worst believe it or not. Everyone has their reasons. You just have to let it go, like Elsa says. Also, you’ll find some people are just price shopping and not interested in the value that travel advisors provide. We ALL experience this and you will learn to shrug it off.

6. BONUS: Find Your community…BUT

If you’re one of my students or members, you have access to a great private support community through Agent Prep, Plussing It, or my free fan group Get Down to Disness, and likely your individual agency/host groups. There is a wealth of information from other agents. BUT, and I say this with so much love, you have to be responsible for yourself and be resourceful. Don’t go into any group asking questions that can easily be Googled. Remember, clients are coming to you because they believe you are an expert in the field/destination. So become that very thing… NEVER STOP LEARNING!

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